My view on business, success, tech (including AI), etiquette, and more…

Online Business Iwona Gruszka Online Business Iwona Gruszka

7 Deadly Sins that Will Make Your Business Fail at the beginning

Although online businesses have been around for over 20 years since the boom of Silicon Valley in the early 2000s and the knowledge of building one has been broadly available, those who dare to start seem to make the same mistakes as their predecessors.

If you are one of the daredevils, instead of making your own mistakes, learn from the mistakes of others and discover a quicker path to success.

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Online Business Iwona Gruszka Online Business Iwona Gruszka

How to start, grow, and scale your online business: The step-by-step guide.

The strategy for starting, growing, and scaling your online business is very much the same for all the businesses that operate online. You need a product or a service that you want to offer (sell) to your clients, who have a need or a problem this product/service fulfills or solves. Then you need to market your offer to that particular type of client and sell it to them.

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Online Business Iwona Gruszka Online Business Iwona Gruszka

Busting the myth of building an online business

The omnipresent online business success can be discouraging for many, especially those who are looking for their own path in business, currently not generating as much as they'd like and comparing themselves to what's out there on Social Media and what looks like thee land flowing with milk and honey.

But is it really?

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Online Courses Iwona Gruszka Online Courses Iwona Gruszka

How to name your online course?

Naming an online course is an important step in creating and promoting your course. A well-crafted name can attract potential students and give them an idea of what the course is all about. Here are some tips for naming your online course:

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